Wednesday, 27 November 2019

A busy week

It's been a crazy week.  Trying to get everything done and set up for the open house on Saturday.
Tyler and I put up a few Xmas decorations over the weekend.
Admiring our handy work.

Stockings hung with care.

Then as well Tyler had an interview in Moncton yesterday so we had to go buy him a suit; which I don't know about you but shopping takes all day.  Suit, shirts, shoes and socks but my son looks very handsome all decked out.
One more interview tomorrow and I think he may have the job.  

So I think we are ready for the Seriously Pinned Quilting and Longarm open house on Saturday.

The sign is made, the hours are posted, All the quilts are hung and even the pulley system is in place.  Everything is ready to show off everyone's quilts as they come off the longarm.  

Ready to show off quilts.

Projects ready to go.

Seriously Pinned is now on Facebook.  I've had to learn how to use it but am figuring it out.  

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

It's here and ready to play

The new longarm arrived on last Saturday.  I kinda felt bad as I was at the Marco Polo Quilt Guild (MPQG) helping to make place mats for the seniors and meals on wheels when I got the's here.
Ready, set, go.  The first test loaded and the anticipation is killing me.

It took Tyler and I 3 hours to put the frame up and get the sewing machine onto the frame. and another 2 to get everything ready for the test quilt.
Checking to make sure the tension is correct on both sides.

Tyler is a wiz at this.  He's even having fun.

Other happenings this week.. At the quilters cove (MPQG) this week I was able to work on a quilt started in 2013.  My goodness, by the time I actually get it finished it will have been 7 years in the making.  The main thing though is that is will be finished.
Calendar quilt

Getting down there and only 4 more quilts in the UFO (unfinished objects) box.  How great is that.

Then the other great news is that Seriously Pinned is having a open house on November 30 to show off the new machine, and answer any questions you all may have.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Very exciting week

Winter arrived this week with -6 mornings and a skiff of snow.  I have always loved that first falling of snow that cleans the world and makes everything silent. 

The back yard looks so bare. 

The most exciting thing though this week is we took the plunge and started Seriously Pinned Quilting and Longarm Service.  I had forgotten how much was involved with starting a new business.  Business plans, projected cash flows, financing, not to mention all of the multi media to start, hook-up and link to. Thank goodness I have a wonderful son that helps with all that stuff.

So business cards have been ordered, financing is being sorted out, Tyler has done a wonderful job on the new website, and best of all the new longarm has been ordered and arrives next week.  wow.

I can hardly wait for the new Q'nigue 21" on a 12' frame to get here.  Load up a play sampler quilt and practice, play and get ready for production December 1st. 

This week hopefully everything comes together.  We should have the space all sorted out with ..... well, quilting stuff.  Cutting table, shelving, design wall, bragging wall, All of the important opening a new business things.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019


It has been a busy week.  We had about 60 kids even though it was ugly out there.  It poured and the wind blew but those little kids were persistent.  We also had a Marco Polo pot luck on Halloween and you could not have believed the food.  It was nice to see a few dress up and I'm sorry that I did not have Tyler take a picture of me to show you.
Only one of 3 tables loaded with goodies ant the pot luck.
 Having salvaged a bit of wood going to the dump from my neighbors, Tyler and I spent one afternoon cutting pieces into smaller pieces.  They need another coat of paint or two but I think will work  quite well as a display to show off all the jewelry at the Xmas market.

Lots of little pieces.

Once they are finished being painted, I will attach them in groups to a base, add a bead to the top and a small screw on the back and instant necklace display.  Don't worry I'll make sure to post a photo after they are assembled.

Work in progress.

I did also manage to get the final coats of polyurethane onto the acrylic pours.  It never ceases to amaze me the formations and cells that appear as they are drying.  Very cool.

Peach Pie.

And of course you have to have a kitty in the works.  Carl is my watcher and protector all through work and play.

Making sure I'm doing it right.

Mom's Little Monsters.

 I've been having a ball making Mom's Little Monsters on days that we are not renovating Tyler's shop.   Lurch Lurch in his butl...